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Well, we’re just about ready to hit the road from Santa Barbara to Sydney, British Columbia, where Knotty Dog is waiting for us.  The boat made a safe journey on the freighter from Fort Lauderdale in May to Victoria, BC.  Yacht Path did a great job and she arrived without damage, a little dirty, which was expected, but they cleaned the boat and she is looking as good as ever.




Victoria, May 7, 2006

CLICK Here for a short VIDEO

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We are so excited about cruising the Pacific Northwest this summer.  Our plans are to provision and head north from Sydney area about mid June.  We’ll have stops in Vancouver, Pender Harbor, Princess Louisa Inlet, Alert Bay and others in between, in June.   In July, we’ll be cruising areas near Shearwater and by mid July will make the crossing over to Queen Charlotte Islands  (see map on INDEX PAGE) to see the Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve. 


By the end of July we’ll be heading back down slowly and plan to explore the West Coast of Vancouver Island in August and finally end up in Friday Harbor, San Juan Islands mid September.  We’ll update the website as much as possible along the way. 

We also plan to put on the web our trip to Alaska from a couple years ago.  It should be good for a hoot!

So watch for the update!